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The COVID-19 pandemic has both global health and economic implications. It has been predicted that the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy may be far worse than the 2008 Global Recession. The global shutdown of borders and restriction of movement by Governments around the world has impacted businesses, large and small.

In these unprecedented times, a lot of companies are considering cost-saving measures in order to stay afloat. Business supply and employee contracts are being reviewed and the inevitable layoffs are already being reported globally.

We have set out below, general guidance in response to some of the concerns of employers in Nigeria as they manage the impact of COVID-19.

What obligation does an employer have towards the employee to curb the spread of the COVID-19?

An employer has an obligation to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment for all employees and visitors. An employer has a duty to comply with all government public health directives especially in a pandemic such as this. Where for instance any employee tests positive to the virus or working conditions do not meet the rules issued by government to reduce the spread of the virus, an employer must take all necessary measures to ensure employee safety including compliance with government lockdown orders. A lot of businesses have now shutdown and the ones who can have their employees work remotely.

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